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Simplified search suggestions : Parameswary Sangkaran
Kajian kearifan perubatan tradisional dalam peribahasa tamil berdasarkan teks Palamoli Akarati
Parameswary Sangkaran
Tujuan  kajian  ini  adalah  untuk  mengenal  pasti  kearifan  perubatan  tradisional  dalam peribahasa Tamil berdasarkan teks Pa?amo?i Akar?ti oleh Anavarathanayakam Pillai. Teks ini dipilih  kerana ia merupakan teks koleksi peribahasa yang lengkap yang mengandungi 10,760  peribahasa.   Kearifan  perubatan  tradisional  dalam  peribahasa  merujuk  kepada pengetahuan perubatan  tradisional yang diintegrasi ke dalam peribahasa. Teori relevan oleh Sperber dan Wilson digunakan  dalam kajian ini untuk menerangkan kerelevanan perubatan tradisional yang muncul dalam peribahasa  Tamil. Teori ini terdiri daripada tiga gagasan utama, iaitu konteks, kesan konteks dan kos  memproses. Mengikut teori tersebut, aspek konteks  melihat  kepada  penentuan  kandungan  atau   erti  peribahasa  berunsur  perubatan. Kesan konteks pula menghuraikan proses pemahaman maklumat  sesuatu ujaran peribahasa Tamil.  Manakala  kos  memproses  pula  melihat  sejauhman.....

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A Study of Medical Referencees found in Tamil Proverbs
Manonmani Devi M.A.R Annamalai
The study is a review of the medical references found in the Tamil proverbs of Cenkani (1996) in the text entitled, Tami?n???uppa?amo?ika? 2000. It is a small attempt, to reveal the medical references practiced among the ancient Tamil people, and to exhibit them in a simple and clear way to the contemporary people. The ancestors of Tamils inscribed the medical references in Siddar songs and in palm leaf manuscript. In the ancient days, people used the proverbs as a tool to solve the medical related problems. Since, the proverbs were short, simple and understandable by all; it was a great help for the laity people. Though the proverbs have a tiny structure, the concepts have in-depth connotation. They are applicable for all the people including male, female, children and adults. Due to the importance of medical references found in Proverbs, several studies have been conducted by both local and foreign researchers. Nevertheless, the study of proverbs in medicine is a new undertaking by r.....

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