UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
Total records found : 10 |
Simplified search suggestions : Rasyidi Johan |
1 | 2008 monograph | Pembinaan perisian multimedia pintar teknologi maklumat KBSM Hassan Haslina, Said Che Soh, Johan Rasyidi, Fabil Norasikin, Hanif Abd Samad, Mailok Ramlah, Hashim Mashitoh, 4239 hits |
2 | 2003 monograph | Pembangunan perisian pengajaran dan pembelajaran Multimedia Interaktif Sains Ibrahim Mohamad, Md. Saad Mohd. Nazri, Mohamad Yatim Maizatul Hayati, Johan Rasyidi, Teh Hui Ping, This study involved the application of CD-ROM dan web-based course management system, WebCT in the teaching and learning activities. The integration of CD-ROM and web application eased the use of multimedia materials in "on-line" or "off-line" learning. This method provided a more open learning opportunities to the students. They had the opportunity to learn according to their level of capability and also free to revisit any section of the learning contents to enhance their understanding. WebCT application enabled the students to communicate virtually with teachers and friends over the internet by using e-mail, bulletin board, forum and discussion group that were provided in the system. The students could initiate discussion by posting questions on the topics or subjects that they did not understand on the WebCT at any time and any place. The instructor could provide solutions, guidelines or more information to help the students better understand the topic or subject they have learnt. ..... 5650 hits |
3 | 2017 article | Cognitive domain achievement level among reserve officers training team (PALAPES) Rahmat Azali, Shahril Mohd Izwan, Salimin Norkhalid, Ahmad Mohamad Ali Roshidi, Elumalai Gunathevan, Johan Rasyidi, Md Nadzalan Ali, 3050 hits |
4 | 2021 article | Kepimpinan instruksional melalui Kajian Tindakan: kajian kes pengetua cemerlang Rasyidi Johan Kajian Tindakan (KT) merupakan satu kaedah untuk membantu guru membuat penambahbaikan terhadap amalan pengajaran yang dilakukan. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka dan memahami cara seorang Pengetua Cemerlang menggunakan KT sebagai alat kepimpinan instruksional dalam usaha untuk membangunkan kompetensi guru. Memandangkan kajian bertujuan untuk meneroka dan memahami, maka penyelidik telah memilih reka bentuk penyelidikan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan kaedah temu bual separa struktur dan analisa terhadap beberapa dokumen yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan KT. Data telah dianalisis secara tematik di mana tema-tema telah dibangunkan berdasarkan soalan kajian yang telah dibina. Di antara tema yang diperoleh ialah Pengetua Cemerlang ini telah menggunakan KT sebagai alat kepimpinan instruksional untuk merancang dan membina program instruksional, memastikan strategi pengajaran guru membawa implikasi yang positif terhadap pembelajaran murid dan akhirny..... 466 hits |
5 | 2021 article | Persepsi penduduk terhadap pembangunan pelancongan warisan berasaskan Petunjuk Pelancongan Lestari di Melaka Tengah Rasyidi Johan Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap pengetahuan penduduk, persepsi penduduk terhadap perubahan pembangunan pelancongan, dan persepsi penduduk terhadap kesan pembangunan pelancongan kepada kelestarian pelancongan warisan dengan merujuk Petunjuk Pelancongan Lestari di Melaka Tengah yang meliputi Bandar Melaka. Seramai 382 orang penduduk yang menetap di sekitar Melaka Tengah dipilih sebagai responden kajian. Data dikumpul menggunakan kaedah persampelan rawak mudah melalui borang soal selidik dan dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Secara keseluruhannya, tahap pengetahuan penduduk tempatan tentang pembangunan pelancongan warisan di Melaka Tengah adalah tinggi (M=3.92, SP=0.37), tahap perubahan pembangunan pelancongan warisan adalah tinggi (M=3.67, SP=0.26) manakala kesan pembangunan pelancongan terhadap kelestarian pelancongan warisan juga berada di tahap yang tinggi (M=4.07, SP=0.17). Secara kesimpulannya, perubahan pembangunan pelancongan memberi kesan kepada kelesta..... 222 hits |
6 | 2019 article | Object oriented vs structured analysis and design in system development courses Aslina Saad Objectives: The main aim of this study was to investigate the factors that influence students’, academicians’, clients’, as well as developer’s preferences in choosing their preferred approach in system development, namely structured analysis design (SAD) or object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD). Methods: The research design was based on a survey methodology and a case study. For the survey, questionnaires were administered to 30 students and 38 academicians, who were randomly selected from several Malaysian universities. For the case study, the requirements of the information system were modeled and presented to several clients to elicit their feedback. The survey data were analyzed using SPSS Findings: The result shows that students preferred the use of OOAD approach, which clearly outnumbered those who preferred the SAD approach, which stood at 33%. Interestingly, the majority (53%) of academicians preferred the use of a mixture of both approaches. Likewise, the clients..... 649 hits |
7 | 2018 bulletin | Buletin Alumni Bil 6, Edisi 2 Mei-Ogos 2018 Pusat Alumni, Jabatan Hal Ehwal Pelajar & Alumni UPSI 428 hits |
8 | 2019 bulletin | Buletin Prestij Bil 6/Jan-Feb 2019 Jabatan Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni 519 hits |
9 | 2019 bulletin | Buletin Prestij Bil 9/Julai-Ogos 2019 Jabatan Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni 284 hits |
10 | 2019 article | Cisco packet tracer simulation as effective Pedagogy in computer networking course Nazre Abdul Rashid The Computer Networking course commonly taught in mixed mode involving lecture and practical session whereas beside face-to-face theory session, students need to experience hands-on activities in order to appreciate the technology and contents. Nevertheless, the abstraction in Computer Networking course such as the complexity in TCP/IP network layering, the connection and configuration of client and server’s framework, differences in static and dynamic IP address configuration had imposed a great challenge for students to understand and grab the main concept of computer networking technology. As such, an approach of using computer network simulation and visualization tool in teaching and learning Computer Networking course is seen beneficial for educators and students. In this research, computer network simulation software of CISCO Packet Tracer was utilized in Computer Networking (MTN3023) course. Students (N=55) were exposed to CISCO Packet Tracer on which they developed Wide Area ..... 716 hits |