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Simplified search suggestions : Siti Rahaimah Ali
A model to identify the level of numeracy understanding of primary school pupils a case study
Ali Siti Rahaimah, Idris Noraini,
Numeracy knowledge is very important to learn from an early stage because of numeracy encompasses identifying numbers, basic computation, measurement, geometry, probability and statistics. Numeracy understanding level model is introduced to determine the level of a student in numeracy. There are four stages that have to be passed by all students to achieve understanding in numeracy, which is the one, de-coding, level two, acquisition of knowledge, level three, application and level four, analysis. Numeracy is a part of mathematics and is closely related to each other. In particular, numeracy is the ability to perform basic mathematical operations and understand simple mathematical ideas and apply knowledge and skills in mathematics in everyday life. Numeracy understanding determines students’ excellence at a higher level. This is because the basic understandings of numeracy in the classroom makes students are able to apply their knowledge of numeracy in everyday life...

1835 hits

Analisis kefahaman numerasi murid sekolah rendah
Siti Rahaimah Ali
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peringkat kefahaman numerasi murid Tahun Empat berasaskan Model Kritikal Numerasi. Empat peringkat dalam Model Peringkat Kefahaman Numerasi (MPKN) yang diaplikasikan dalam kajian ini ialah pentafsiran kod, pemerolehan pengetahuan, aplikasi dan analisis. Responden kajian terdiri daripada enam orang murid Tahun Empat dipilih berdasarkan keputusan ujian matematik bulanan iaitu dua orang bagi setiap tahap; cemerlang, sederhana dan lemah. Kajian ini rncnggunakan rcka bentuk kualitatif di mana temu duga dijalankan bagi mengumpul data. Siri temu duga mengandungi lima tugasan telah diberikan bagi menentukan pcringkat kefahaman numerasi responden. Hasil kajian mendapati, seorang murid bcrada pada peringkat aplikasi iaitu dapat menyelesaikan semua aktiviti pembelajaran yang melibatkan konsep dan fakta matematik, memilih dan menentukan prosedur serta bcrkemampuan memberi alasan pada setiap jawapan yang diberikan. Tiga orang murid berada di peringkat pemerolehan.....

1214 hits

A case study of fun learning with numeracy of preschoolers
Ali Siti Rahaimah, Mukhtar Farah,
1114 hits

Students interest toward learning activities based-on 4Cs skills in Mathematics classroom: A need analysis study
Siti Rahaimah Ali
In a study of module development, need analysis should be carried out in order to ensure the module developed will be able to fulfil consumers’ needs. Therefore, this study is a part of need analysis study in a research of developing pedagogy module of active learning based on 4Cs skills for Number and Basic Operation in Mathematics (PA4K Module). The 4Cs skills are consist of critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. This study was carried out to identify students’ interest toward learning activities based on 4Cs skills in mathematics classroom. 70 of Year Three pupils were involved in this study and they have responded to the questionnaire provided. The findings show in average that pupils agreed at high level to the items related to critical thinking (Mean = 4.38) very high level of interest toward communication (Mean = 4.59), collaboration (Mean = 4.63) and creativity (Mean = 4.51). According to the findings, it is necessary to develop the module where it .....

871 hits

Practice of Fostering 4Cs Skills in Teaching and Learning
Siti Rahaimah Ali
Mastering 4Cs skills which consist of critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity has become an important agenda in 21st century learning and education based on 4.0 revolutions. Therefore, this study was carried out to identify level of practice of fostering 4Cs skills in teaching and learning. This study was implemented on 84 teachers as they answered the questionnaire provided. According to descriptive analysis which applied calculation of mean and standard deviation, respondents were found to state agreement at high level in average on three of the 4Cs skills namely critical thinking (Min = 3.56), collaboration (Min = 4.02) and creativity (3.72) while moderate level on communication skill (Min = 3.25). The findings show that it is necessary to put great effort on teaching and learning in order to ensure the process of fostering 4Cs skills can happen optimally so that pupils will be able to master the skills effectively..

792 hits

E-Numeracy: mobile application of the numeracy understanding model for primary school
Siti Rahaimah binti Ali
The purpose of this study is to examine the use of e-Numeracy: Mobile Application of the Numeracy Understanding Model among primary school students. Through e-Numeration, it allows students to solve numerical problems in their respective smart devices and find out the solution for each question. This learning method supports the concept of 21st century learning and facilitates self-learning as well as fun learning. This e-Numeration can be accessed via a tablet or any digital device by using the bar code provided. The app is easy and mobile and can be accessed anywhere. Six Year Four students were selected for this study. They were chosen based on their monthly Mathematics test results. There were two students per level; good, average and weak. For data collection, this study applies qualitative design using interview methods. The result indicated that only four respondents were able to solve all the learning activities at the application level that involved concepts and facts of mathe.....

690 hits

Analisis kefahaman numerasi murid sekolah rendah
Siti Rahaimah Ali
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peringkat kefahaman numerasi murid Tahun Empat berasaskan Model Kritikal Numerasi. Empat peringkat dalam Model Peringkat Kefahaman Numerasi (MPKN) yang diaplikasikan dalam kajian ini ialah pentafsiran kod, pemerolehan pengetahuan, aplikasi dan analisis. Responden kajian terdiri daripada enam orang murid Tahun Empat dipilih berdasarkan keputusan ujian matematik bulanan iaitu dua orang bagi setiap tahap; cemerlang, sederhana dan lemah. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kualitatif di mana temu duga dijalankan bagi mengumpul data. Siri temu duga mengandungi lima tugasan telah diberikan bagi menentukan peringkat kefahaman numerasi responden. Hasil kajian mendapati, seorang murid berada pada peringkat aplikasi iaitu dapat menyelesaikan semua aktiviti pembelajaran yang melibatkan konsep dan fakta matematik, memilih dan menentukan prosedur serta berkemampuan memberi alasan pada setiap jawapan yang diberikan. Tiga orang murid berada di peringkat .....

1116 hits

Steam-powered boat engineering in elementary STEM learning
Lidinillah, Dindin Abdul Muiz
This research develops instructional media in the form of steam-powered boats in STEM learning in elementary schools to support thematic learning in Indonesia. This development aims to help students acquire the skills that match the science and technology of the twenty-first century. The STEM approach is applied so that students can learn and explore various types of integrated interdisciplinary learning. This research aims to: (1) describe the urgency of using the steampowered boat instructional media in STEM learning, (2) develop and describe the final products of the instructional media, and (3) describe the results of the instructional media trials. The research design used was education-based research with the generic model of Educational Design Research (EDR), which involved students and teachers in the trial process. The data collection techniques used were interviews with teachers and students regarding the need for instructional media in STEM learning, observations of the lear.....

419 hits

Kesan penggunaan Model Peringkat Kefahaman Numerasi terhadap pencapaian penyelesaian masalah berayat operasi asas dan minat dalam Matematik Tahun Empat
Nur Amalina Ahmad
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti keberkesanan penggunaan Model Peringkat Kefahaman Numerasi (MPKN) terhadap pencapaian dan minat bagi penyelesaian masalah berayat operasi asas Matematik Tahun Empat di sekolah rendah daerah Kuala Selangor, Selangor. Kajian ini menggunakan MPKN yang dihasilkan oleh Siti Rahaimah. Terdapat empat tahap yang digunakan dalam model ini iaitu pengkodan kod (de-coding), pemerolehan pengetahuan (meaning making), aplikasi (using) dan analisis (analyzing). Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kuasi eksperimen. Responden bagi kajian ini ialah 62 orang murid di SK Bukit Kerayong. Murid ini akan dipilih secara rawak yang terdiri daripada kumpulan rawatan dan kumpulan kawalan. Kumpulan rawatan ini diajar penyelesaian masalah berayat operasi asas Matematik menggunakan MPKN manakala kumpulan kawalan pula menggunakan pendekatan tradisional. Pengkaji menggunakan program SPSS iaitu ujian-t sampel berpasangan dalam menganalisis data yang diperoleh daripad.....

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