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Total records found : 6 |
Simplified search suggestions : Syakirah Samsudin |
1 | 2012 article | Enrichment of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) bacteria for Biological Nitrogen removal of wastewater Yusof Norjan, Abdullah Hanisom, Samsudin Syakirah, Hassan Mohd Ali, 6204 hits |
2 | 2016 article | Student teachers level of reflection during teacher clinical experience: a case study in a Malaysian university Wong Yeou Min, Mansor Rosnidar, Samsudin Syakirah, 3066 hits |
3 | 2000 article | Space use and activity patterns of 3 species of diurnal small mammals in the Bangi Forest Reserve , UKM, Malaysia Samsudin Syakirah, Akhbar Zubaid, Space use and activity patterns by 3 species of small mammals, namely, Tupaia glis, Callosciunis HQta&is and CL nigrovitatus were determined. The home range size of T. glis ranged from 9,544 to 73,470m2, C. notatus from 6,512 to I6.150nr and C. sigrrwrfalus 10,970m.. There was no overlap in the ranges between individuals of the same species and sex hut the ranges of different species overlapped- There was no significant difference in the mean daily distance moved among the studied individuals. All individuals showed a bimodal type qf activity pattern... 868 hits |
4 | 2017 article | Biomas production of chlorella sp., scenedesmus sp., and oscillatoria sp. in nitrified landfill leachate Nordin Norazela, Yusof Norjan, Samsudin Syakirah, 1503 hits |
5 | 2019 article | Isolation and identification of microalgae from high nitrate landfill leachate Syakirah Samsudin This study aims to isolate and identify microalgae capable of growing in high nitrate (NNO3-) landfill leachate. Source of isolation was collected from a landfill leachate treatment plant and identified according to morphological characteristics and analysis of partial 18S and 28S rRNA genes. The isolates, identified as Chlorella vulgaris UPSI-JRM01 and Tetradesmus obliquus UPSI-JRM02 were capable of growing at high N-NO3 - concentration of nitrified landfill leachate, which is up to 1500 mg/L. The biomass productivities of Chlorella vulgaris and Tetradesmus obliquus were 36.28 mg/L/day and 40.49 mg/L/day, with 44% and 37% N-NO3- removal, respectively. The biomass of Chlorella vulgaris and Tetradesmus obliquus consisted of 17.72% and 16.32% lipid and, 21.93% and 25.43% carbohydrate, respectively. The protein contents (>50%) were higher than lipid and carbohydrate contents for both microalgal species. The newly isolated microalgae species will be useful for future applications of high N..... 1369 hits |
6 | 2023 article | Benefits, mechanisms and challenges of international accreditation for teacher education: ASEAN academics perspectives Syakirah Samsudin Purpose: This study aims to explore some benefits and challenges of establishing an international accreditation for teacher education institutions (TEIs) by AsTEN Quality Assurance Agency. This specific accreditation agency is expected to improve the quality of teaching, learning and research at TEIs in ASEAN region. Design/methodology/approach: The qualitative study generates data from questionnaires and online semi-structured interviews among ASEAN academics. They work as teacher educators in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. Findings: As findings show, participating academics from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Brunei Darussalam believe that it is necessary to have a specific international accreditation agency that can properly accommodate particular standards of teacher education. This accommodation is expected to increase the governance of quality teaching, learning and researching to prepare more competent and professional future teachers..... 109 hits |