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Simplified search suggestions : Syukriyah Ishak
Optimisation and characterisation of biodiesel from biodegradation of organic wastes by black soldier fly larvae
Syukriyah Ishak
This research aimed to optimise and characterise environmental friendly biodiesel produced through biodegradation of organic wastes by black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens)  larvae.  This  research  is  divided  into  four  main  studies,  namely characterisation of organic wastes, cultivation of insect larvae, characterisation of insect larval lipid and determination of the properties of insect larval biodiesel. The organic wastes used for cultivation of insect larvae were food kitchen waste (FKW), soya residue (SR) and mixed waste (MW). The main scientific instruments used in this study were Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer and gas chromatography-flame ionisation detector (GC-FID). For organic wastes and insect larvae characterisation, several analyses such as content of moisture, protein, carbohydrate, ash and fat, pH value and crude fiber were carried out. The extraction of larval lipid was conducted using Soxhl.....

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