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Simplified search suggestions : Thahir Nuruddin
Kefahaman guru tentang konsep dan strategi pengajaran komponen kesusasteraan Melayu dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Melayu
Thahir Nuruddin
The objective of this research is to determine teacher’s understanding of the concept and teaching strategies of the Malay Literature Component in the Malay Languge subject. It was carried out in eleven secondary school in Larut, Matang and Selama district. The research includes hundred of teachers teaching the Malay Language subject. Out of the 100 respondents, 50 were lower secondary teachers and 50 were upper secondary teachers. The number of respondents according to gender are 21 male teachers and 79 female teachers. A survey was conducted to obtain data on teachers’ understanding of the concept and teaching strategies of the Malay Literature Component in the Malay Language subject. Statistics analysis , descriptive, mean and standard division were utilized to examine the level of understanding of the concept and teaching strategies. In addition, inferential statistic analysis of “ t test and Pearson Correlation” used to analyze the relationship between dependent variables .....

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