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Simplified search suggestions : Thambi Jose Franklin
Social impacts in the novel
Franklin Thambi Jose Selistus Darling
917 hits

Animal symbolism in literature
Selistus, Franklin Thambi Jose
Literature starting from its beginning has the usage of symbols. This paved the way to a literary concept symbolism. It is an art of using an object to describe or represent an abstract. All the abstract objects mentioned in literature have a symbolic meaning. Symbolism is used in different ways like colors, animals, birds, real objects, human, etc. In the classical stories one can find the use of caves, animals etc. and it is evident that the use of animals in our world from thousands of years ago, to today, has created deep meaning in our lives. The meanings of animals in literary works can be interpreted in different ways. The writers use animals which help them to write about subjects that are controversial and sensitive social issues which strengthen and emphasize their points and fulfil the purpose of their work. Jonathan Swift is one of the writers to use symbolism in his literary works. In his The Battle of the Books, the spirit of the controversy caught on towards the end of t.....

1206 hits

Evaluation of UPSI Tamil program pioneer batch of graduates in secondary schools in Perak
Thambi Jose, Franklin
Malaysia is a country which has its own education system. Here, students undergo education in different stages such as, kindergarten (pre-school), primary school (elementary), secondary school (high), and college or university. Of these, kindergarten, primary and secondary educations are in schools. School education is basic for a child and the teacher role is very essential during the whole process of teaching and learning. Sultan Idris Education University is No.1 Education University which produces a lot of teachers and are been posted as teachers in various parts of the country. The posted teachers teach in secondary schools of Malaysia and Tamil language teachers are one among the teachers posted. The present study evaluates the Tamil teachers produced by UPSI. The main objectives of this study, to evaluate the pedagogy knowledge the language skills of the secondary school Tamil teachers produced by Tamil language programme, UPSI using Testing & Evaluation theory, to eval.....

852 hits

Morphophonemic parser: A study of teachers and students
Franklin Thambi Jose Selistus Darling
The objectives of this study were to design a morphophonemic parser (MPP) and to get feedback from teachers and students after using the designed parser. Drastic changes have occurred in the field of education after the advancement of technology. New methods and techniques with digital content are widely used in this field. One of them is the use of parsers in educational institutions. Parser is a tool that helps to facilitate teaching and learning. The MPP is a parser that can be used in the teaching and learning process. The study used a mixed mode of research which includes qualitative and quantitative research methods. 400 school teachers and students were selected as informants for this study using a simple random sampling method. The study used a questionnaire as a data collection tool and analyzed using the survey analysis method. The main findings of the study are, that an MPP is designed with a set of morphophonemic rules and most of the teachers and students are satisfied and.....

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