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Simplified search suggestions : Zarizi Ab Rahman
Pembinaan instrumen peramal faktor obesiti dalam kalangan pelajar berumur 13 dan 14 tahun
Zarizi Ab Rahman
Obesiti merupakan fenomena yang sedang mengancam kesihatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat dunia. Kajian ini bertujuan membina instrumen soal selidik peramal faktor obesiti. Kajian ini melibatkan pelajar berumur 13 dan 14 tahun di Klang, Selangor. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk menganggar peratus lemak tubuh ialah instrumen pengukuran komposisi tubuh kaedah lapangan adalah Indeks Jisim Tubuh, Bio Impedance Analysis, dan Ujian Lipatan Kulit. Manakala instrumen soal selidik peramal faktor obesiti dibina berdasarkan adaptasi daripada Physical Activity Questionaire for Older Children, The Adolescent Sedentary Activity Questionaire, dan Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey. Seramai 142 pelajar terlibat dalam kajian fasa satu. Hasil kajian mendapati Indeks Jisim Tubuh merupakan instrumen yang paling tepat bagi pengukuran komposisi tubuh kaedah lapangan yang ditentukan melalui kesahan convergent. Kajian fasa dua, sebanyak 84 item soal selidik peramal faktor obesiti telah melalui proses kesahan.....

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The selected physical fitness field tests for youth rugby player: validity and reliability
Zarizi Ab Rahman
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the validity and reliability of the test instruments for selected physical fitness components (agility, power, and speed) among youth rugby players in Selangor, Malaysia. Even though previous researchers have conducted the validity and reliability for the fitness test, investigating the reliability and validity is ongoing and needs to be established according to specific populations to ensure valid, reliable interpretation or precise measurement. Sixty youth rugby players aged 13 and 14 years old underwent measurements of agility (4x10 meters run), power (standing long jump), speed (30 meters sprint test). In addition, two testers independently assessed all the tests towards subjects using standardized skill criteria. The descriptive statistics of the variables were; i) 4x10 meters test for elite players (M = 11.9, SD = .81) and non-elite players (M = 12.9, SD = .83), ii) 30 meters sprint test for elite players (M = 5.56, SD = .31) and.....

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