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Simplified search suggestions : Zuraishah Zukri
The effects of inferencing strategy instruction on students ability to make and justify inferences while reading narrative texts
Zuraishah Zukri
This quasi-experimental study was aimed to analyse the effects of inferencing strategy instructions on the students' ability to make inferences and justify reasons while reading narrative texts. This study used two types of inferencing strategies which required students to work in two different conditions. The first strategy was the Key-Infer-support (KIS) strategy involving students to work individually. The second strategy was the Think-Pair-Share (TPS) strategy which allowed students to complete tasks in pairs. The samples of this study consisted of 120 form four students of two secondary schools in the district of Temerloh, Pahang and they were assigned to two treatment groups and two control groups. The treatment groups were inducted with the strategy lessons and the control groups were inducted with the traditional presentation-practice-production (PPP) teaching method. The instruments used in this study were pre-test and post-test scripts. The scores from the pre-test and post-t.....

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