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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Purpose: This study intends to explore the knowledge distribution in immigrant entrepreneurship in a host country Malaysia. In Malaysia, most immigrants are workers who later started their own businesses. They have a higher tendency to engage in entrepreneurial activities thus knowledge distribution from previous employment is necessary. Research design, data and methodology: This qualitative study using in-depth interview approach was carried out with five immigrant entrepreneurs from Bangladesh conducting business in Malaysia. The data were gathered and analysed using thematic analysis facilitated by ATLAS.ti software. Results: The findings provide useful insights on the significance of knowledge obtained during immigrant entrepreneurs former employment in the host country, enabling them to identify the needed resources quickly to launch a successful business in a host country. Conclusions: This study contributes to the Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship specifically in the context of immigrant entrepreneurship who have former employment in the same business sector and a proposition is developed. For practicality, the findings provide some insights for immigrants who want to start businesses in the host country which allow them to identify and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities due to knowledge distribution at their former employment in the host country later facilitates successful business establishment there. Copyright: The Author(s) |
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