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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to create a thematic spatial model of environmental carrying capacity for sustainable agriculture. The model was made with interpretation, surveys, and scoring an index for each modeling unit as the maximum level of resource for all ecosystem services using a GIS. The data analysis was carried out descriptively with an environmental approach for each unit in the entire region based on the results of ecoregion and land cover overlays. The results are in the form of thematic spatial models, environmental carrying capacity, and sustainable agriculture for each data used including the activity center model. Based on the results of this study, the future implications for the environmental carrying capacity model can be the basis for making RTRW, therefore this research can be used as one of the guidelines in making policies for an area, especially related to planning that is used as strategic land for regional development planning. 2023 WITPress. All rights reserved. |
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