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Type :article
Subject :ML Literature of music
ISSN :2180-1843
Main Author :Lim Chen Kim, Tan Kian Lam, Yusran Hazwanni, Suppramaniam Vicknesh,
Title :Lsound: an l-system framework for score generation
Place of Production :-
Year of Publication :2017

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Visual language or visual representation has been used in the past few years in order to express the knowledge in graphics. One of the important graphical elements is fractal and L-Systems is a mathematics-based grammatical model for modelling cell development and plant topology. From the plant model, L-Systems can be interpreted as music sound and score. In this paper, LSound which is a Visual Language Programming (VLP) framework has been developed as a tool that can model plant to music sound and generate music score and vice versa.The objectives of this research have three folds: (i) To expand the grammar dictionary of L-Systems music based on visual programming, (ii) To design and produce a user-friendly and icon-based visual language framework typically for L-Systems musical score generation which helps the basic learners in musical field and (iii) To generate music score from plant models and vice versa using L-Systems method. This research undergoes four phases methodology where the plant is first modeled, then the music is interpreted, followed by the output of music sound through MIDI and a score is generated.Technically, LSound was compared to other existing applications in the aspects of the capability of modelling the plant, rendering the music and generating the sound. LSound is a flexible framework in which the plant can be easily altered through arrow-based programming and the music score can be altered through the music symbols and notes which encourages non-experts to work with L-Systems and music.

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