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Type :article
Subject :L Education (General)
ISSN :1818-4952
Main Author :Zamani Noor Ashafiqa, Abdul Aziz Nor Azah, Zukifl Che Zalina, Ibrahim Abu Bakar,
Title :A literature review on multimedia learning device for dyslexic students
Place of Production :-
Year of Publication :2017

Full Text :
Multimedia learning device is part of a new era in technology innovation learning culture. It is for students and implemented by teachers. In order to obtain the best results upon using multimedia learning device a comparisons among d-learning, e-learning and m-learning were conducted. Hence, it was decided that m-learning was an effective device to act as a tool for learning because it is efficient and easily accessed. Technologically advanced could act as a theory of multimedia learning which is presented to trigger learning process that will make dyslexia students more creative and enhance their critical thinking according to their ability. However, developing multimedia learning materials for this device is not as easy as it sounds, especially when the user is a special and unique person. Therefore, this research will illustrate the idea of designing device-based learning elements of multimedia specifically for dyslexic students. The aim of this research paper is to improve the knowledge via new strategies in teaching and learning skills by using a variety of approaches that is required in a multimedia learning device for dyslexic students. Thus, educators must need to create their own multimedia learning using the best devices in teaching and learning process, in which the use of multimedia is as an effective tool for dyslexic students.


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