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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Recently, mobile-based learning is proliferating and has contributed significant benefits in education. This study discusses the development of an interactive module based on Modul Interaktif Elektromagnetik (MI-EM), a mobile-based learning approach which provides learning notes, videos and simulations, the example of problem-solving, exercises and also a quiz which focusses on Electromagnetic Induction topic. This study aims to assist students in learning this topic effectively. The concept used in developing MI-EM was based on ADDIE Instructional Model. This module is consists of five subtopics, and the learning outcomes were adapted from post-secondary school‘s syllabus as determined by the Ministry of Education. Theorie involved are Mayer's Cognitive Multimedia and Bloom's Taxonomy. Four cognitive levels are being embedded in this module, including; remember, understand, apply, and analyze which students will acquire when using this module. The MI-EM was developed by using PowerPoint, Ispring, Toonwork, and Photoshop software. The designed module is uploaded to the MOODLE platform for students to access using their mobile phone. This MOODLE application is a free app that can be downloaded from Google Play Store or App Store. MI-EM is an innovation in helping students to have better experience in the learning process.
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