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Type :thesis
Subject :HT Communities. Classes. Races
Main Author : Mahmood, Choudhry Shahid
Title :The development of communicative competence model for undergraduate programme students in Pakistani universities
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This    study   aimed    at    developing    a    communicative    competence    model    for undergraduate  programmes  students  in  Pakistani  universities.  This  study  has  used  structural equation modelling (SEM) statistical approach to analyse the relationships of  the   predicting  variables  in  model  development.  The  random  cluster  sampling method  was used  to   collect  the  data using  a  survey questionnaire  from a  sample  of 599 respondents. The SEM  two-stage method from the measurement to the structural model was used to develop and test the  model. The proposed model has achieved the fit    indices    (χ²=1.588;    df=1;    χ²/df=1.588;     p    =.208;    CFI=.999;    SRMR=.002; RMSEA=.031,  Pclose=.492).  The  results  of  the   regression  indicated  the  predictors explained 62% of the variance and have significantly  contributed to competence (R²= .38,  F(6,  592)  =  61.03,  p


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