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Type :thesis
Subject :HF Commerce
Main Author :Mohd Fauzi Harun
Title :Exploring cultural differences in processing visual communication design on Islamic commodification in advertising
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Visual  communication  design  is  a  necessity  in  advertising.  However,  it  carries  different  interpretations  by  different  audiences.  Therefore,  this  study  was  conducted  to  discover  Islamic commodification signs on advertisements, with attempts to understand the meanings of  those   signs,  and  to  investigate  their  effects  of  semantic  noise  interpretations  of  the  messages. This study’s meaning-making framework adapted two important theories in the visual field  – symbolic interactionism and communication model. This study began with a content analysis of  seven billboards and continued with semi-structured interviews to get in- depth   feedbacks   from    a   maximum   variation   purposive   sampling   of   12   informants. Practitioners of visual  communication field like art director and graphic designer, lecturer, and student from the same  field were also involved. This study’s qualitative analysis was coded by three main themes using  thematic analysis in Atlas.ti namely the commodification sign, sign meaning and noise effects. The  subsequent analysis used symbolic interactionism theory in describing the result. Islamic elements  were indeed present in most of the ads, often in  images  and  texts  as  emotional  interplays  of   interpretations  with  many  other  forms  of symbolism, intuition and even imagination in  symbolic perception. The existence of Islamic symbols is transformed into a commercial entity that  is used to enhance the effectiveness of advertising  and  causes  communication  noise  –  a   confusion  that  affects  the  recipient's understanding of the actual message; especially to  non-Muslims. Consequently, it allows the real meaning to be changed even though it is significant  to the targeted group of Malay- Muslims.  Overall,  these  ads  should  be  emphasizing  on  the   product-type,  functions,  and benefits over everything else, to avoid exaggeration and  misrepresentation of the products or the religion itself, made by the multi-racial audiences as the  receivers.  The findings are clearly  significant  to  marketers  or  advertisers  whereby   although  cultural  elements  are significantly important in advertising, the understanding of  symbol appropriateness within the communication element is required.     Keywords:   Advertising,   Islamic   Commodification,   Visual   Communication,   Culture, Symbolic Interactionism  


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