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Type :thesis
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
Main Author :Cerbo, Shirley N.
Title :Creative drama as an intervention to enhance social and communication skills of children with autism
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2019
Notes :With cd\r\nPAKK
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study aimed to investigate the use of creative drama as intervention to enhance social and communication skills of learners with autism. Objectives of the study were to identify  the social and communication skills of learners with autism, develop a creative drama module,  determine the effectiveness of the activities in the module and identify the changes in the skills  of learners with Autism spectrum Disorder (ASD) as they undergo the activities. The case study was  conducted at Jose Fabella Memorial School (JFMS), Mandaluyong City, Philippines. Purposive sampling  was used involving six learners with ASD whose age ranged from 8 to 11 years old. Samples also  involved six parents and six teachers. Data were collected through interviews, observations,  checklists and field notes. Inter-rater checklist results were taken from the six teachers’ and the  researcher’s responses. Data were analyzed using thematic and narrative analysis. The themes that  emerged from the interviews were interaction with others, showing appropriate behavior and giving  appropriate verbal response. Findings showed learners’ social skills difficulties such as  disinterest in people, a choice of solitary activity over contact with others, doing socially  inappropriate things, and the inability to readily exchange social smile. Communication skills  difficulties were lack of initiative to talk with others, inability to ask questions and take turns  in conversations, lack of clarity in speaking and lack of eye contact and facial expression. Most  activities in the drama module were useful in enhancing, in varying degrees, the social and  communication skills of the learners. In conclusion, creative drama could be used as intervention  to enhance social and communication skills of children with ASD. Implication of the study provides  significant input and information on the use of drama activities as an alternative intervention to  help improve social and communication skills of learners with ASD.  


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