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Type :article
Subject :PN2000 Dramatic representation. The Theater
ISSN :2222-6990
Main Author :Salman Alfarisi
Additional Authors :Muhammad Fazli Taib Saearani
Title :Usman Awang Resistance to the Malay Humanity Facts in Uda and Dara Theatre Script
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Muzik dan Seni Persembahan
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The Uda and Dara theatre script is based on the outcome of Usman Awang's observation on Malay society life, especially in the newly independent era. Since the beginning, they have taken the process to improve social development. The choices of language and determination of the characters used by Usman Awang reflect any ideas and strong critical thinking on Malay society, humanity facts that were colonized and defeated either by the real colonizers or the Malay elite themselves. Thus, it is believed that through Uda and Dara, Usman Awang fought for a social statement that was contrary to the noble values that were believed in, namely the Malays who developed social, cultural, economic, and political origins based on Islamic values. In accordance with the issue, this article focuses on the two problems. How Usman Awang's resistance to the Malay's social reality and how the Malay elite practised colonialization of fellow Malay's. The literary sociology approach and reading literary method was used to analyse Uda and Dara theatre scripts. This article shows that Usman Awang strongly criticizes the stratification or social status that only benefits the Malay elite. Through an unjust system of land tenure, the Malay elite maintained strong dominance over weaker societies. The main principal is Usman Awang was able to reveal the critical Malay's awareness to escape from the elites power who colonized them after independence from Western colonialists. Keywords: Resistance, Humanity Facts, Malay Society


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