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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The use of ICT in teaching and studying mathematics helps students to develop mathematics. The practice's application, therefore, depends on different considerations, amongst which: teachers' expectations of their ICT teaching skills, instructor attitudes towards teachers in mathematics, teacher attitudes towards ICT contributions to student mathematics awareness. The research was undertaken to assess ICT integration readiness in the classroom in the Paracelis district for mathematics teachers at secondary schools. The thesis used a questionnaire with comments on any of the above variables. This questionnaire was forwarded to 15 mathematics teachers at Paracelis District secondary schools. It shows that ICT teachers' intervention in mathematics has an average limit of 4.06. It also ensures that mathematics teachers are confident and willing to use ICT in mathematics and mathematics instruction. The research results indicated that the controls and the sample groups were substantially different and verified. It shows that the research group was higher than the test group. The use of Microsoft Excel in integrating machine data in the resolution of statistics positively affects the student's performance. The integration of ICT into teaching, therefore, has an advantageous effect on the progress of students. |
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