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Subject: M Music (116 items)
91Seni persembahan jalanan: persepsi masyarakat Kuching, Sarawak article
92Slendro culture, balungan concept, and inner melody of Jawatimuran Karawitanarticle
93Sounds of Lisu music to new music for guitar and string quartet article
94Sounds of Wisdom unveiling the hidden pedagogical power of musical instruments of World Music Ensemblesarticle
95Sourcing gesture and meaning from a music score : communicating techniques in Music teaching article
96South Indian Konnakkol in western musicianship teaching article
97Taking the chance: a descriptive study of a creative work that utilizes chance and indeterminacy whilst maintaining form article
98Teknik nyanyian keroncong asli thesis
99Teknik permainan serunai dalam konteks pengajaran dan pembelajaran muzik tradisional wayang kulit Kelantan: satu kajian kes thesis
100The development and evaluation of Malay gamelan module for schools and communitiesarticle
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