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Year: 2023 (1302 items)
1291Virtual teaching assistant for capturing facial and pose landmarks of the students in the classroom using deep learningarticle
1292Vocabulary index as a sustainable resource for teaching extended writing in the post-pandemic eraarticle
1293Volatile components of dillenia reticulata King (Dilleniaceae) essential oil and their cytotoxicityarticle
1294Volatile components of sterculia parviflora essential oilarticle
1295Volatile oil components of polyalthia hookeriana and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activityarticle
1296Volunteer Management Systemfinal_year_project
1297Wavelet coherence analysis of PM2.5 variability in response to meteorological changes in South Asian citiesarticle
1298Weaving Culture and Science A reflection on teaching science through story-tellingarticle
1299Whirling into the World: The Duality of Dance Hostesses' Labor and Social Praxis in Postwar Singaporearticle
1300Work ethics and the dimensions of knowledge management of academic staffs in college of education, South-West, Nigeriaarticle
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