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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Currently, it is difficult to effectively grade students’ programming assignments. As a result,
the objective of this work was to create an Automatic Programming Assessment Tool
(APAT) with a Bloom Taxonomy-mapped grading rubric. To guarantee that such a novel
tool has appropriate quality attributes, the development of APAT was carried out based on
the Software Engineering (SE) principles, namely software specification, software
development, and software verification. The evaluation of this novel tool focused on its
usability and effectiveness. The assessment of the tool’s usability was carried out using
Heuristic Assessment involving eight lecturers from the Faculty of Art, Computing, and
Creative Industry, Sultan Idris Education University where data were gathered through
WebUSE. The assessment of the tool’s effectiveness in assessing student learning was
performed through Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results of the analysis of the survey
data showed that the lecturers gave the proposed prototype a high rating. The findings of the
ANOVA test revealed that there were significant differences in the learning outcomes of the
students between groups. Overall, according to both findings, APAT is highly usable and
effective from the standpoints of practicality and assessment, respectively. Thus, teaching
professionals can use this innovative assessment tool to enhance the grading of students'
programming works. |
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