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Type :thesis
Subject :LC Special aspects of education
Main Author :Wong, Chen Keh
Title :An exploratory study on peer socialization to change selective mutism among children
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The study aimed to explore the personalities in terms of anxiety and shyness, behaviors in terms of avoidance behavior and oppositional behavior, and social skills of children with selective mutism. The study also uses peer socialization to explore the changes in children with selective mutism. As a qualitative method of this study, the triangulation approach was used to conduct the four case studies. Four children with selective mutism were chosen as cases. Each teacher of the four children with selective mutism had been interviewed by the researcher. The data of interview transcripts was supported by observation with the children and document analysis. All the data form the initial codes, combine into one narrative, and report according to four themes. The findings show 1) children with selective mutism are high levels of neuroticism regarding shyness, quietness, and anxiety; 2) oppositional behavior only appears when the children first joined to school, however, they present avoidance behavior in the long term; 3) the children have poor social skills as they difficult in building relationships with others; 4) by using peer socialization, the level of neuroticism had changed, the children seldom to present avoidance behavior and start to interact with others. The characteristic of selective mutism had been clarified in this study and reduced the gap of selective mutism within previous studies. Teachers understand well on children with selective mutism had allowed these children to get proper treatment such as peerassisted learning in school. However, the time limit of conducting this study affected that the use of peer socialization was only a suggestion for teachers to deal with selective mutism. For future studies, researchers encourage to have a longer time duration to conduct a long-term exploration of the case study among children with selective mutism by using peer socialization.


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