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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The objectives of the study were to investigate the Teacher's Self-Efficacy (TSE) and
Teaching Competency (TC) of classroom teachers in drug education, to examine
whether the TSE and TC are influenced by gender, age, academic qualification, and
years of teaching experience, to develop the rubrics for TSE and TC, and to validate
the rubrics for TSE and TC in drug education. The methodology used in this study was
a mixed-methods approach using the ADDIE Model to develop a rubric. The
descriptive statistics and MANOVA were performed on the analysis data with a
significant level of .05. There were 389 participants, which consisted of classroom
teachers in public secondary schools in Kelantan and educational experts from three
public universities in Malaysia. The results of the study showed that classroom teachers
had moderately high levels of TSE and TC. Most of them stated that drug education in
classroom situations was based on their initiatives and a lack of guidelines for
integrating drug topics into the curriculum. The data showed that there were no
significant influences of demographic factors such as gender, age, academic
qualification, and years of teaching experience on the TSE and TC of teachers in drug
education. This study arranged the rubric for a TSE and TC assessment tool based on
phases in the ADDIE Model. The rubrics for TSE and TC had been validated and
obtained high acceptance rates from experts and classroom teachers. This study also
discussed the study's implications and recommendations. In conclusion, the TSE and
TC of classroom teachers were needed for drug education in secondary schools in
Malaysia. The rubric development of TSE and TC in drug education can evaluate
teachers and help them improve their efficacy and competency in integrating drug
topics in a teaching-learning situation. |
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