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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Aim/Purpose The main aims of this research are to explore the moderating effects of gender on the relationships of such factors and the intention to use mobile learning, to examine the factors that influence m-learning acceptance in the universities and higher education institutions (HEI) in Iraq, and to investigate the influence of the intention to use on the actual use of mobile learning in (HEI). Background Over recent decades, mobile learning has played an increasingly important role in the teaching and learning process, especially for higher education. As such, acceptance and use of mobile learning has become a topic of interest within the education sector. In this regard, UTAUT is one of the widely used models for examining users intention for use and acceptance of information technology. Methodology A survey method was used in this study involving a sample of 323 participants recruited from several universities in Iraq. Contribution This study has made significant contributions to the advancement of m-learn-ing in Iraq by developing a mobile learning model that can help guide practi-tioners to promote and facilitate the use of such an approach in universities. 2023, Journal of Information Technology Education: Research.All Rights Reserved. |
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