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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to develop a comprehensive and evidence-based crisis prevention
model for addressing non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) behaviour among adolescents in
GuangXi, China. The Design and Development Research (DDR) was used which
includes three phases. The phase one is to understand the characteristics of
adolescents' NSSI Behaviour and the need to prevent NSSI Behaviour; questionnaires
and semi-structured interviews were used to investigate 2344 adolescents and 84
stakeholders in Guangxi. In phase two, literature analysis, semi-structured interviews
and nominal group techniques were used to determine the main components of the
NSSI crisis prevention model. Based on the opinions of 27 experts, the
DEMATEL-TAISM method was used to construct the model. In phase three, the
evaluation of 15 experts was collected. The focus group method was used to determine
the evaluation index system of the model. The incidence rate of NSSI among
adolescents in Guangxi was 17.9%, indicating an urgent need to establish a crisis
prevention model for NSSI. This model consists of six dimensions and a total of 21
components. The main prevention strategies are divided into three levels: assessing the
risk level of adolescents' NSSI; enhancing their ability to regulate emotions and
improve their emotional state; increasing social support, creating a positive
atmosphere, and providing leisure and entertainment space. Experts have reached a
consensus on the integrity, applicability, effectiveness, and professionalism of the
model. This study had aroused the attention to NSSI problems among adolescents,
parents, teachers, schools, and experts, and to enrich the explanatory model of NSSI
Behaviour crisis prevention. The overall design of the model is scientifically and
reasonably constructed, which is beneficial for preventing adolescents' NSSI Behaviour
in the future. However, due to the lack of detailed practical experience, some preventive
elements in the model require further practical testing, particularly in terms of
demonstrating the preventive effect. |
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