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Type :final_year_project
Main Author :Cheng, Lee Hoong
Title :Development and perceived usability of 3D-model PlasmaMesh as a teaching aid for subtopics in plasma membrane
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Year of Publication :2024
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The study aims to create a 3D model “PlasmaMesh” as a teaching aid for plasma membrane-related subtopics in Form Four (4) Biology. The research objectives are to develop a 3D model PlasmaMesh as a teaching aid with high validity and to determine the perceived usability of the product developed. This research is Developmental Research Design (DRD) guided by the ADDIE model guided throughout the product development process. The research utilized two instruments: a validity evaluation form for experts to validate and a perceived usability questionnaire for respondents to provide feedback. The validity of the product was analyzed by Content Validity Index (CVI). The I-CVI for the product analyzed was 1.00 for each item summing up for a total of 16 items, value interpreted was located in the range of 1.00 for three experts’ validation. A pilot study was conducted to access the reliability of the research instruments, measuring methods through Cronbach’s Alpha, yielding a value of 0.871, indicating good reliability. For the field study, a total of 103 practical teachers from AT11 Biology Education from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), spanning from semester six to seven were used as respondents. They assessed four constructs – content, design, usability and satisfaction using a 4-point Likert scale to evaluate the “PlasmaMesh 3D-model”. Data collected was analyzed by descriptive quantitative analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), focusing on the measure of central tendency namely mean and standard deviation, revealed average values of 3.75 and 0.44 for content and design, and 3.75 and 0.43 for usability and satisfaction. The results indicated a high frequency of agreement (scale 3 – 4) with low dispersion of perception among respondents. In summary, the developed “PlasmaMesh 3Dmodel” has proven valid and usable as a teaching aid, benefiting teachers in enhancing the delivery of plasma membrane-related content be encouraging effective visualization of membrane components and substance movement. Implications of this research are to promote the use of physical models along with innovative teaching methods to facilitate active engagement between students to achieve the goals of 21st century teaching and learning (PAK-21).


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