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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
The perceptions of coaching competency in rugby union among Malaysian national coaches are investigated in this study. The goal was to acquire coaching competencies of what Malaysian national coaches believe it takes to be an effective coach according to World Rugby accreditation, rather than evaluating the skill or efficacy of the coaches engaged. In order to understand perspectives of effective coaching in the Malaysian national sport context as well as coaching tactics, this study used a qualitative research approach. A crucial component of the current research was the ability of participants to explain their personal interpretations of the world in which they live during interviews. Six coaches were questioned using the national rugby union coaches from Malaysia. This allowed for thorough explanations of what efficient competency coaches perform as well as the provision of details on how and why they carry out particular tasks. According to recent studies, an effective coach has a particular set of personal traits, talents, and abilities as well as a broad philosophy or direction for the squad. Based on the experiences of Malaysian national coaches, this study revealed essential perspectives and applications of good competency coaching. It also highlights crucial components of a humanistic approach to coaching that emphasizes the overall development of the coaches.
Keywords: Coaching Development, Sports Coaching, Knowledge Sources, Development of Expertise |
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