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Type :thesis
Subject :LC Special aspects of education
Main Author :Nurul Aida Yaacob
Title :Knowledge, attitude and behavior towards the intention of farmers in applying food waste as fertilizers in Perak
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Teknikal dan Vokasional
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
Around 1.3 billion tons of the total food production and land that also use to produce food is 0.9 million hectares was wasted every year. This is become a problem that has not yet been resolved. One of the way to reduce food waste is covert into fertilizer. Therefore, the purpose of this study to examine knowledge, attitude and perceive behavior towards small scale farmers’ inattention in applying food waste as fertilizer by adopting Theory Planned Behavior and Knowledge Attitude Practice Model. A field of survey was used; out of 450 survey distributed, only 370 small scale farmers responded to the questionnaire, were identified using purposive sampling and analysed through SPSS, IBM-AMOS and PLSSEM. The result found that the fitness indices met the acceptance level using Modification Indices (MI) (CFI= 0.933; TLI=0.908; RMSEA=0.08). Result indicated that the initial model was partially supported where attitude, subjective norm and behavior were significantly predicted farmers’ intention. In addition, a mediating effect was found in the model as hypothesized; knowledge had a significant indirect effect on farmers’ intention. However, there was no significant interaction between knowledge and farmers’ intention. This study expends the literature on food waste research particularly focusing on small farmer. Overall, this study verified that attitude, subjective norms and perceive behavior control have significant impacts on farmers’ intention. This study will help the agriculture agencies, farmer in improving the quality of fertilizer as well as the contribution on expending the new model and instrument.


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