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Type :thesis
Subject :TP Chemical technology
Main Author :Jahil, Mustafa Mudhafar
Title :Fish scale hydroxyapatite/collagen composites incorporated with silver nanoparticles for bone filler applications
Hits :165
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2021
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Corporate Name :Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
The aim  of this  study  was  to  improve  antimicrobial  properties  of fish  scales  hydroxyapatite/fish collagen (FsHA/FsCol) composites through infiltration of silver nanoparticles  into the matrix for antimicrobial bone filller substitute. In this sudy both hydroxyapatite and  collagen were extracted from fish scales using simple hydrothermal extraction method. Silver  nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized from silver nitrate using microwave-assisted method in which  neems leaves extract was used as reducing agent while fish collagen as stabilizer. FsHA/FsCol/AgNPs  composites were prepared in a form of powders and beads using two different methods. Chemical and  physical properties of AgNPs and FsHA/FsCol/AgNPs composites were characterized using field  emmision scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive x-ray (FESEM-EDX), transmission   electron  microscopy  (TEM),  Fourier transform  infrared  spectroscopy (FTIR) and  x-ray  diffraction technique (XRD).  Biological properties of prepared composites were investigated  through antibacterial, cytotoxicity and cell attachment tests. The results shown that four  different sizes for AgNPs ranging from 28 nm to I 00 nm were obtained by using different  concentration of collagen. Their antimicrobial activities against Escherichia coli and  Staphylococcus aureus showed that  smaller particles sizes of AgNPs have shown better inhibition  ofbacteria growth. Analysis using XRD and EDX proved that the pattern of spectra corresponded to  silver nanoparticles present in the composites. FESEM-EDX analysis indicated that the silver  nanoparticles distributed well in the HA composite matrix. Composites with 80 wt.% of HA and 20  wt.% of collagen demonstrated high stability during degradation test. The addition of 20 wt.%  starch in the composite during preparation improved the porosity of composites after sintering,  thus improved the infiltration of AgNPs-collagen solution and antibacterial properties. In  conclusion, composites ofFsHA/FsCol/AgNPs powder and beads have been proved to be biocompatible and  good cell attachment. The implication ofthis study is both powder and beads of FsHA/FsCol/AgNPs  composties can be used as antimicrobial bone filler substitute.  
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