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Type :article
Subject :HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Main Author :Abrojenaa, Venancio Lorenzo
Additional Authors :Ormilla, Rashid Ceazar Galanto
Title :Challenges and opportunities in the implementation of a Results-Based Performance Management System
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun

Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
The challenges and opportunities in the implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System were determined in this study. A combined quantitative and qualitative design was applied in this study, using a survey questionnaire and an interview as an instrument. The teachers and the school heads were the respondents to this study. The weighted mean and a t-test were used to treat the quantitative data, while thematic analysis was used for the qualitative data. The findings revealed that the challenges encountered in the implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System in the Alfonso Lista District were that “no second review is done, infrequent feedback, no comprehensive team assessment, and cross-comparison are not required." There is a significant difference in the perceived challenges in the implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) by the two groups of respondents. Teachers' perception of the different challenges was significantly higher than the perception of the school's heads. On the other hand, the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) ensures efficiency and consistency in performance; allows promotion; helps in the improvement of organizational performance; employee retention, and loyalty; and improves productivity, which were various opportunities experienced by the participants of the study. Keywords: Results-Based Performance Management System, challenges and opportunities, implementation, quantitative and qualitative research


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