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Type :article
Subject :HB Economic Theory
ISSN :1985-2126
Main Author :Samsudin Norsamsinar, Ab Jalil Norasibah, Ab Wahid Hariyaty, Yahaya Rusliza, Mat Jizat Jessnor Elmy,
Title :Students’ readiness, motivation and attitude towards entrepreneurship
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2016

Abstract :
This study aims to identify factors that affect the readiness of the university students to get involved in entrepreneurship. This study was conducted at one of the public universities in Malaysia. 150 of final year students were involved in this survey study. The level of students’ readiness, their motivation level and attitude towards entrepreneurship were measured. The results of the analysis revealed that students had a moderate level of readiness to start a business. Their motivation level and attitude to become an entrepreneur also at the moderate level. The finding also showed a significant positive correlation between motivation level, attitude, and readiness to participate in entrepreneurship.


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