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Type :article
Subject :HD Industries. Land use. Labor
ISSN :2232-0032
Main Author :Hassan Haslina, Maelah Ruhanita, Mohd Amir Amizawati,
Title :Strategic performance measurement and managerial performance: the mediating role of job satisfaction and psychological empowerment
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2016

Full Text :
Traditional Performance Measurement System (PMS) has been under serious challenge since its emphasis is on financial measures and satisfying the regulatory and accounting reporting requirements. Many organizations have adopted strategic PMS to overcome these weaknesses. The overall aim of this study is to examine the relationship between PMS and managerial performance in the context of behavioral and motivation issues in an automobile industry. The mediating role of job satisfaction and psychological empowerment is taken into consideration. Data for this study was collected using self administered survey utilizing structured questionnaires. The sampling frame comprised of 88 sales branch managers and 427 dealer managers of automotive companies in the area under study. A total of 100 usable questionnaires were analyzed in this study. Path analysis is used to analyze the relationship between the variables. Findings show job satisfaction mediates the relationship between strategic Performance Measurement System (SPM) and managerial performance.

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