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Type :article
Subject :QA Mathematics
ISSN :2289-3180
Main Author :Che Md Ghazali Nor Hasnida, Abdullah Norazilawati, Hamzah Mahizer, Mohamed Arif Nur Rafizah,
Title :FLAT-BTOT : a method to improve Mathematic communication skills in solving Mathematic word problems
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2017

Full Text :
Mathematic word problems can be very challenging to many students as it uses symbols and require a conceptual understanding to distinguish the symbols and operations. Moreover the use of long sentences to formulate the mathematical problem is sometimes confusing. The aim of this study is to identify the students’ mathematic communication skills in solving mathematics word problem via the Flat-BTOT method. The study was conducted in a primary school in the district of Batang Padang in Perak. The participants consist of two boys and three girls in Year Four selected through purposive sampling. Kurt Lewin’s action research model was used as the research design in this study. Data was collected through pre and post-tests, observation and interviews. The findings show that there is improvement in the students’ mathematics communication skills in the post-test. Observations on students' work and feedback received from the interviews also support the finding. It is hoped that the use of Flat-BTOT method be extended to secondary schools to ensure that mathematics teaching becomes more enjoyable and effective.

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