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Type :article
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
ISSN :2232-0393
Main Author :Che Ahmad Che Nidzam, Amirul Nurul Jannah,
Title :The effect of the physical learning environment on students health, enjoyment and learning
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2017

Full Text :
This study was conducted to analyze the suitability of the physical classroom learning environment and its effect on students’ health, enjoyment and learning. The participants of this study were 400 form four science students from six secondary schools in Johor, Malaysia. Students’ perception on physical aspects and its effect were measured using Physical Aspects Classroom Environment Inventory (PACE). The PACE consists of nine constructs. Six constructs which were furniture, facilities, space, lighting, indoor air quality and colour were used to measure the suitability of the physical classroom environment. While three constructs which were health, enjoyment, and learning were used to measure the effects of physical environment on students. The findings revealed that students perceived the suitability of physical environment is at high level for furniture, facilities, and lighting aspects, while moderate level for indoor air quality, space, and colour aspects. Results also showed that students perceived the physical environment have moderate effect on student’s health, enjoyment, and learning. Further analysis indicated that the physical environment have significant impact on students’ health, enjoyment and learning. These results provide valuable feedback to institutions and to educators in setting their learning environment

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