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Type :article
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
ISSN :1394-7176
Main Author :Bacotang Juppri, Mohamed Isa Zainiah, Che Mustafa Mazlina, Md. Yasin Siti Farhana,
Title :Early Literacy Curriculum (ELiC) framework for nurseries in Malaysia
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2017

Full Text :
The main intention of this article is to describe the Early Literacy Curriculum (ELiC) framework for nurseries in Malaysia. The researchers conducted an analysis of early literacy documents from several countries such as National Early Literacy Panel (NELP) in United States, Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in United Kingdom, Te-Whariki in New Zealand, Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) in Australia and National PERMATA Curriculum in Malaysia. Components and characteristics of the documents have been reshuffled to build up the ELiC framework based on the theory of emergent literacy. The ELiC framework has been evaluated by qualified and experienced educators, and it has been confirmed by the lecturers who were experts in early literacy development. As the result, it was approved that the framework encompassed every component in early literacy development, and the focus of the components was organized by age groups. Finally, the researchers managed to develop the ELiC framework, which is more complete and specific for the use of 2+, 3+, and 4+ year-old children in Malaysia.

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