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Type :article
Subject :L Education (General)
ISSN :1911-2017
Main Author :Che Rus Ridzwan, Hanapi Zaliza, Mohamed Suriani, Hussain Mohd Azlan, Shahrudin Shafeeqa, Malik S.,
Title :Skills and knowledge competency of technical and vocational education and training graduate
Place of Production :Canadian Center of Science and Education
Year of Publication :2017

Full Text :
The Education Development Plan of Malaysia (Higher Education) carry the nation’s aspiration to empower the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Malaysia.The emphasis on the development of high quality TVET graduates demands teachers and instructors of TVET who are highly knowledgeable and skilled. Thus, the emphasis on the quality of TVET teachers’ education training of Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education (FTVE),Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) has become an interesting issue that needs exploration.To evaluate the effectiveness of the education graduates,a quantitative survey research design using the Stuffelbeam evaluation model was carried out. The samples were FTVE graduates that have been placed in secondary schools and vocational colleges all over Malaysia.A total of 111 respondents have answered the questionnaire.The research findings showed that the level of professional knowledge,skills and practice were high. However,parallel to the concept of continuous improvement,the elements that are at the level of moderate will be evaluated for improvement.These research findings were expected to give some information to policy maker in TVET Teachers Training Provider to increase the quality of TVET graduates in UPSI specifically and Malaysia in general in order to uphold the aspiration to become a developed nation by 2020.

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