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Type :article
Subject :L Education (General)
ISSN :1013-5316
Main Author :Kathir Veloo Palanisamy, Puteh Marzita,
Title :Mathematical Knowledge In Teaching Fraction Concepts
Year of Publication :2017

Full Text :
Teachers need various types of knowledge in order to deliver various concepts at elementary level especially the teaching of mathematics among primary school children.In this paper, Balls’ framework (2008) or, Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) is used as benchmark guideline.This paper investigates and explores component of MKT knowledge among experienced teachers of the primary school.Data collected using paper pencil test and interview.This paper, narrowed to teacher’s knowledge and their practices while teaching the skill of comparing various fractions included.The data gathered from teachers were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques.The results indicated that teachers lack various components of MKT knowledge as a proposal by various researchers and assumed that teaching as procedural more than enough due to lack of deep understanding of mathematics and the various types of MKT it’s not required due to the practices in the classroom, PKSR (Penilaian Kendalian Sekolah Rendah) and year six examination UPSR (Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah)

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