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Type :article
Subject :HD Industries. Land use. Labor
Main Author :Mahdinezhad Maryam, Yunus Jamal @ Nordin, Mohd Noor Mohd Asri, Kotamjani Sedigheh Shakib,
Title :The association of leadership styles and administrators performance
Place of Production :HRMARS
Year of Publication :2017

Full Text :
This study proposes to examine the effect of leadership styles on job performance. Several determinant factors influence the performance of academic administrators and their effective style of leadership. Still, the selection of inappropriate leadership styles results in lower functioning. This study was carried out in 3 selected universities in Malaysia which include 196 academic administrators as respondents. The result of the correlation analysis between two styles of leadership and job performance showed a positive and significant correlation score value. The results of this study contribute to academic administrators to enhance the efficiency of higher learning establishments. Therefore, they are thought to take the leadership style that raises the capabilities of academic administrators to reach the optimal execution. The implication of this finding will be discussed.

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