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Skills and job mismatch issues have become prevalent in the field of Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET). These issues are associated with problems encountered in learning transfer, which hinder the application of skills and knowledge learnt in training institutes in the workplace. The findings of previous studies showed that less than 15 to 20% of the knowledge and skills acquired in training institutes can be transferred to the workplace. This contributes to loss of funds invested in training programmes. Concerns over the issue of mismatch between training and industry demand led to this study, which was conducted to identify elements of the work environment that are needed to strengthen learning transfer of skills learnt in training to the workplace. This study used a qualitative exploratory case study. Qualitative data were collected from trainers, employers, NOSS panel, trainees and former trainees through face-to-face interviews and focus group discussion. Qualitative findings found that work environment factors that contributed to the transfer of learning mainly involved learning skills training in Malaysia. The findings of this data may have implications for practitioners in the delivery of skills training in order to shape a skilled workforce to help create a high-income economy. |
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