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In a country heading into the 21st century, the field of skills is an important area to accommodate the needs of the workforce. Labor required in line with the latest technological developments. Institutions to produce graduates who have the skills competency in the skills and knowledge to be able to provide a quality workforce. Competence is the measurement level of knowledge and skills. Teaching competence in the skills taught will provide a beneficial effect on learning achievement in mastering the knowledge and skills. Paperwork aims to discuss the expert's views on the development of automotive technology competence constructs.Constructive competence of automotive technology is a measurement guide to the development of automotive technology instruments.Efficiency assessment instruments for automotive technology courses used to measure teacher competence. Previous studies have proven that authoritative educators can produce credible graduates in skills and contribute to quality workforce.The competence of existing instruments are not up to date and in line with technological advances.The seven industry experts consisting of car service trainers, academic training center managers, and workshop owners appointed as Delphi specialists. A total of seven constructs of automotive technology competency can be identified. The implication of the study is to build a robust, current and high reliability instrument to be used in the teaching competency measurement of instructional training institutions |
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