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Type :article
Subject :L Education (General)
ISSN :2222-6990
Main Author :Mansor Mahaliza, Yunus Jamal @ Nordin, Baharom Masri,
Title :The development of school-based professional learning inventory (SPLI) Part II
Place of Production :HRMARS
Year of Publication :2017

Full Text :
The purpose of this article is to report the development, validity and reliability of School-based professional learning inventory (SPLI) that has been used to evaluate secondary teachers` perception toward school-based professional learning. The first phase of the study has been carried out through Exploratory Factor Analysis by using data from 166 trained teachers from 19 secondary schools in Batang Padang District, Perak. The Exploratory Factor Analysis through orthogonal rotation varimax method has shown twelve SPLI factors from three main constructs have been developed. The Cronbach Alpha of the overall items is .918. For the second phase of the study, the Confirmatory Factor Analysis has been carried out toward data of 372 trained teachers from 50 secondary schools in Malaysia. The purpose of this analysis is to support the factor structure developed from the first phase of the study.The Cronbach Alpha of the items is .94, meanwhile for each factor developed ranged from .70 to .92. As the conclusion, the result of Confirmatory Factor Analysis has supported the ten factors developed from the first phase of the study

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