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Type :article
Subject :TP Chemical technology
ISSN :1877-2641
Main Author :Nordin Norazela, Yusof Norjan, Samsudin Syakirah,
Title :Biomas production of chlorella sp., scenedesmus sp., and oscillatoria sp. in nitrified landfill leachate (IR)
Place of Production :CrossMark
Year of Publication :2017

Full Text :
Purpose This study aims to examine the biomass production of local microalgae isolates; Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp. and Oscillatoria sp. cultivated in high nitrate (NO3-) concentration of nitrified landfill leachate (NLL).Methods NLL concentration of 10–30 % v/v was optimized for maximum microalgae growth, NO3- removal performance, and biomass productivity. The biomass produced was further characterized for carbohydrate, lipid,and protein composition.Results NO3- was able to be removed by all microalgae isolates with a NO3- removal rate of 26.5–27.5 mg/L/day and a maximum NO3- removal percentage of 84 % (20 % NLL) by Oscillatoria sp. Highest biomass productivity (0.11 g/L/day), carbohydrate productivity (2.92 g/L/day),lipid productivity (1.41 g/L/day), and protein productivity (4.87 g/L/day) were observed for Oscillatoria sp. cultured in 10 % NLL. Meanwhile, highest lipid, carbohydrate, and protein content was observed in Chlorella sp. cultured in 10 % NLL (18.23 %), Chlorella sp. cultured in 30 % NLL (37.5 %), and Oscillatoria sp. cultured in 20 % NLL (61.4 %), respectively.Conclusions These results suggest that dual application of microalgae for phycoremediation of high NO3- wastewater and biomass production was feasible particularly for Oscillatoria sp. in term of high nitrate removal capability and biomass productivity. This finding is significant for potential application of microalgae biomass as biofuels feedstock in near future

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