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Type :thesis
Subject :T Technology (General)
Main Author :Roslin Suha
Title :Persepsi guru pra perkhidmatan dan dalam perkhidmatan tentang kualiti guru Matematik
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2005
Notes :masters
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The aim of this research is to seek pre service and in service teachers’ perception towards quality of mathematics teachers in secondary school. The survey was done based on their knowledge of the subject contents, skills in the mathematics techniques and methods, good attitude and personality of teachers’ , cooperation with students, fellow teachers, parents’ and administration and also communication and efficient management system (process). 280 teachers in the pre service was chosen based on stratified random sampling and 172 in service mathematics teachers in the district of Batang Padang from 21 schools was selected as respondents. The data were analysed by using frequency and percentage, t-test, pair t-test, one way ANOVA and correlation. The finding of the research shows that teachers in the pre service have higher perception towards quality of mathematics teachers compared to teachers in service. However, the mean score of the quality of mathematics teachers in pre service is 179.09 and the mean score of mathematics teachers in service is 175.75 which show that both are on a satisfactory knowledge level. This research also found that the perception towards quality of mathematics teachers of female teachers pre service and in service is higher if compared to male teachers in which the mean score of male teachers in pre service is 176.99 whereas the mean score of female teachers in pre service is 181.16. The mean score of male teachers in service is 171.52 whereas the mean score of female teachers in service is 178.07 respectively. However, the research found that there is a difference in the perception towards quality of mathematics teachers among the in service teachers depending on their teaching experience. The findings also shows that pre service and in service teachers chose knowledge of the mathematics content as the first sequence of the construct. Thus, this construct is an important factor in the quality of mathematics teachers. The second sequence of the construct is communication and efficient management system and the third is good attitude and personality of teachers’. For the fourth and fifth sequence of the constructs they differ in their opinion. For the pre service teachers, they chose the fourth sequence of the construct that is cooperation with students, fellow teachers, parents and administration, and the fifth sequence construct is skills in the mathematics techniques and methods. In service teachers chose the skills in the mathematics techniques and methods as a fourth sequence of the construct and the fifth sequence of the construct is cooperation, fellow teachers, parents and administration. Lastly, the findings shows that these two constructs must be given an emphasis to mould quality mathematics teachers. The two constructs are cooperation with students, fellow teachers, parents and administration and skills in the mathematics techniques and methods.


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