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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate Multi-frames Video Recorded Experiments (MFVREs) as self-learning materials for Electricity topic of the Malaysian Form Five Physics curriculum. The development of MFVREs consisted of eight steps; selecting topic, selecting related experiments, preparing apparatus and materials for experiments, testing experiments, setting up recording apparatus, recording experiments, editing MFVREs and testing MFVREs. The MFVREs comprised of four subtopics; electric field and charge flow, relationship between current and potential difference, series and parallel circuits and electromotive force and internal resistance. The compatibilities of MFVREs as selflearning materials were evaluated from their effectiveness’s towards students’ achievement and students’ perceptions towards MFVREs. The samples of this study consisted of 40 Form Five students of a secondary school in Slim River and they were equally and randomly divided into the experiment and control groups. The experiment group used MFVREs as self-learning materials together with a printed module while the control group used only the printed module. The findings showed that there was a significant difference in achievements between control and experiment groups and students of experiment group showed positive perceptions towards the design and content of MFVREs. Therefore, MFVREs are effective as self-learning materials to improve students’ achievements in learning Physics. |
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