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Type :article
Subject :QD Chemistry
ISSN :2289-7070
Main Author :Miarti Khikmatun Nais
Additional Authors :Endang Dwi Siswani
Title :Multimedia of chemistry enrichment in colloidal systems for vocational high school students
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2018

Abstract :
This research was conducted to develop the multimedia of colloidal systems as an enrichment media for vocational high school students in chemistry class and to know the quality of the multimedia. This was a research and development study. Developmental procedures used in this research were adopted from Borg and Gall development procedures consisting of six phases including: collecting information, planning, developing the preliminary form of the product, validating and revising the product, assessing the product, and revising final product. The products were validated by one content expert and one media expert and reviewed by three peer reviewers. The advises from the experts and the peer reviewers were used to improve the initial product. The assessment of the product was carried out by five reviewers based on six aspects of the criteria, included: content feasibility, language, visual-display of media, audiodisplay of media, media programming, and expediency of the media. The product assessment data were analyzed by categorizing the score into ideal rating category. In general, the multimedia assessment score was included in the category of very good category. Analysis on each aspect shows that content feasibility, media programming, and expediency of the media aspects was included in the very good category, while language, visual-display of media, audio-display of media aspects included in the good category. These results indicatated that the products were ideal as an enrichment media of colloidal systems for vocational high school students.


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