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Type :article
Subject :Q Science (General)
ISSN :2222-6990
Main Author :Nurul Ain Hidayah Abas
Additional Authors :Marinah Awang
Title :Online incivility: exploring from Malaysian academic perspective
Place of Production :HRMARS
Year of Publication :2017

Abstract :
In the evolving globalization in Malaysia, many organizations employ online communication platform for faster decision making, easier collaboration on assignments and greater recognition of employees for achievement and rewards. However, this additional medium of communication posts a risk of uncivil online comments that can lead to lower unproductively among employees that reduces employees’ well-being and increases organizations costs. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the negative consequences of online incivility, in particular in Malaysia, considering aspect of negative moods as possible mediator in the relationship. In addition, problem solving conflict management styles is also discussed as a social support that may decrease the negative consequences of online incivility based from sound literature review. Plausible hypotheses are also then derived from the constructive arguments. This study is consistent with the objectives of Eleventh Malaysian Plan (2016-2020) and Transformasi Nasional 2050 (TN50) to improve the nations’ well being and productivity from perceiving the positive and work harmony created. In practical, the study can help shape policies and guidelines involving human-technology interaction for the decision makers by incorporating aspects of human psychological well-being that can be affected by technology through the online paradigm.


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