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Type :thesis
Subject :HD Industries. Land use. Labor
Main Author :Azizah Hashim
Title :Leadership behaviour, entrepreneurial orientation and organisational performance in Malaysian small and medium enterprises
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The purpose of this study was to identify the leadership behaviour, entrepreneurial orientation and organisational performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia.  Three main constructs were selected namely leadership behaviour, entrepreneurial orientation and  organisational performance based on Resource Based Theory (RBT) by Galbreath (2005) and  Transformational Leadership Theory by Bass (1985). The research design used in this study was a  survey method and data were collected using quantitative approaches. The respondents were 401 owner  or manager of SMEs operating in manufacturing and service industries in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.  The respondents were selected using the Stratified Sampling Technique. The study instrument applied  was questionnaires. The finding showed that transformational leadership has higher impact towards  organisational performance (β=0.257, S.E=0.055) than transactional leadership (β=0.220, S.E=0.054).  Entrepreneurial orientation also significantly contributed to organisational performance (β=0.199,  S.E=0.054). Furthermore, this study found that entrepreneurial orientation acted as partial  mediator between leadership behaviour and organisational performance (β=0.284, S.E= 0.256). The key  implications of this study revealed that transformational leadership proved to be more efficient  than transactional leadership in term of leadership behaviour. Thus, the leader of SMEs need to  practise and nurture the qualities of transformational leadership, and focus on entrepreneurial  orientation in order to achieve better organisational performance. This study also acknowledges the  leadership and entrepreneurial orientation as a resource and capability in organisation because the  integration of these two elements are the yardstick for SMEs’ success in Malaysia.  



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