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Type :thesis
Subject :ML Literature of music
Main Author :Lim Li Wen
Title :A kodaly based music teaching sequence for teaching singing to year one pupils in a Malaysian Chinese primary school
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Muzik dan Seni Persembahan
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
  Sequential teaching is essential for learning musical concepts for young beginners. There is a lack of Chinese teaching materials that sequenced according to a child- developmental  approach in Malaysia. While there are many singing materials written in the Chinese language, none  arranged in a sequential order, which Hungarian music educator Kodály believed is essential for  pupils to build or extend their musical vocabulary and musical concepts progressively. The purpose  of the study is to provide a set of sequenced Chinese materials for Year One Malaysian Chinese  pupils to be used by general music teachers who teach in Chinese primary schools. Reflective action  research, document research, journal writings and voice recordings serve as the primary data for  analysis in this investigation. Data were analysed through thematic analysis, and conclusion of the  analysis served as a primary source in forming the sequence. 22 cycles of action research were  carried out in the classroom. In conclusion, a set of sequenced teaching materials was formed. The  implication of this study introduces a core teaching sequence for music teachers to refer to when  they sequence their teaching objectives and materials.  



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