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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study examines the effect of implementing the Green Skill (GS) in Design and Technology (DT) subjects to assessing students’ green practices. This quantitative study uses a quasi-experimental technique to evaluate 62 year-five primary school students: group of treatment utilising the GS Module, and the control groups without GS Module. A GS practice rubric test was conducted to measure the performance of the students after they had practised the GS. The GS practice - questionnaires were only answered by the treatment group after using the module for nine weeks. The analysis results of the t-test show that the level of GS practice between the male and female students is almost the same and at a good level. The MANOVA's findings show that there are no significant differences of the Waste practice, 3R and water usage of green skills between male and female students. These clearly shows that the practice of the two groups are at the same level and good. Conclusion, that GS can be integrated into DT subjects, and students can implement the practices related to environmental sustainability. In addition, the GS implementation inculcates positive practices among teachers and pupils, which in turn help preserve the environment for the future generations
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